Final Project- Prototype and Presentation- Customer Awareness of Cosmetics
Our group chose one of the concepts of design interventions to make the high-fidelity prototype this week. We decided to design a web plug-in that could recommend EWG approved products to customers when they purchase cosmetics online, which could be more intuitive and convenient than open another website or App on the mobile phone to search and check ingredients.
Try the prototype through this link:
In the first version, I thought that rating on allergy and cancer in the ingredients part could be more specific, so the form of ingredients included ingredients’ function, cancer rating and allergy rating. Then we want the App to be more simple, just combining the two factors into EWG rating. Users could use filter to find products best suitable for their skin and needs. Due to our survey results, customers most concern about quality and price, so the fist filter is about the price. Customers could drag on the price slider to choose the range. To find cruelty free and products with clean ingredients or sustainable measures, I specified levels or methods of these concepts. In this way, customers could be educated to learn more about ethical and ecological efforts easily while choosing in the filter. I referred to this article to category these methods and levels of cruelty free: and this website as another refference to find some common sustanible production or recycle ways. This LOVEKINSHIP is a great website that have common goal of our project. I came across it during the process of making prototype, but it is still amazing and surprised that others concern about the same problem and had already done something before. For next steps, we could regard this as another competitve product to iterate on our prototype.
After finishing this prototype, we created a new Google slide shown at the beginning of this post to present our ideas concisely. It also helped me to review these three weeks’ research and work to reorganize the research findings and evaluative methods, since this slide aims to tell stories and present to others.
During the process of teamwork, I learned a lot from my teammate. On the one hand, she could always choose appropriate and pretty font styles in the prototype and slides, which is the thing I ignored before. On the other hand, I learned how to design concise prototype and slides from her. I used to put a lot of information in one slide. But when we collabrated on this presentation, I tried to uniform the styles of slides due to Research Finding pages she made, which contain one main question or insight each, with bigger text and icons.